hahahahaha… ada2… gaya model paper bag… 😀
ehh x macam ainul masa mule2 tgk tu. makin kurus meh?heheheh
auw..model ape ni?
hamboi kemain haa mama aressa..
izni: ok gak model gak tu 🙂
ena: yeke? hehheee mkn la lecithin & ESP 🙂
maria: model gedik2 je.saje-saje je
deena: perasan muda remaja jap.hehehe
kurusnye kamooo….pakai PB ker?
model cap ayam ker…tp model nih cute jugak..:))
nieyzha: makan shaklee je.
Elin: hehheee…tq dear.
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hahahahaha… ada2… gaya model paper bag… 😀
ehh x macam ainul masa mule2 tgk tu. makin kurus meh?heheheh
auw..model ape ni?
hamboi kemain haa mama aressa..
izni: ok gak model gak tu 🙂
ena: yeke? hehheee mkn la lecithin & ESP 🙂
maria: model gedik2 je.saje-saje je
deena: perasan muda remaja jap.hehehe
kurusnye kamooo….pakai PB ker?
model cap ayam ker…tp model nih cute jugak..:))
nieyzha: makan shaklee je.
Elin: hehheee…tq dear.