Baby slings provide balanced back support and prevent straining or injuring the parents’ back. Women report that their lower back pain, brought on by pregnancy and childbirth, is relieved by not having to pick their child up all the time. Carrying the baby in a sling is a more ergonomically friendly method.
Lactation consultants and midwives endorse baby slings as they provide opportunity for discreet breastfeeding, in a position that is comfortable for mother and child.- senang nk BF baby wlpun depan public
Pediatricians and osteopaths agree that babies held in slings are held effectively. Their legs are not forced apart during the crucial development of the soft pelvic cartilage. Additionally, because legs are not poked through restricting openings, there is no circulation problem.
Most babies will happily go along for the ride in a baby sling attached to their parent, meaning that Mommy or Daddy can go about housework, shopping or supervising other children without having to constantly check on the infant. He’s right there! Being hands-free is definitely the way to go. Parents have also reported an improvement in the demeanor of their baby once they introduce a baby sling to their arsenal of ways of coping with a demanding child.
When the baby falls asleep in the sling, it’s easy to remove the sling from the parent and lower the baby gently into his crib without waking him.
Being carried in a baby sling enables the baby to make a smooth transition from uterus to big, wide world. It promotes bonding and a sense of security and has even been found to reduce the incidence of postnatal depression.
The baby can be carried in a natural position, with his head supported and without any compression applied to their spine or central nervous system.

Amacam menarikkan???…nak travel oversea pun senang.. lagi 1 yang penting…
bagus untuk kempis kan perut.hahaaha
Ainul, Nad dah beli ring sling 😀 Nad pun ada buat entry pasal baby sling n other travel needs tapi esok or lusa kot publish 🙂
i plak mcm kesian je kat baby kalau mcm tuh…hehe…
Nad.nanti bgtau beli kt mana ye:)
Mrs Nageb : nape lg safe dok dkt mama ainul nk beli jgk stroller cuma tggu dia besar skt.
pn ainul: hehe,maybe i mcm tengok baby terlentok aje kan..maybe ok jugak mcm tuh..hehe..i tak fikir lagi nak beli sling tu..hehe
salam ramadhan ainul
awak sht? baby sht?
ainul, belilah baby sling. kalo kte pregnant, sure nih benda 1st yg kte nak beli.hehe.sbb nmpk baby & mama ada love bonding gtu.sweet
Mrs Nageb: takpa.setiap org ada taste msg2 kan.
Fathiyah: lama tak dgr cite.saya sihat.bertambah2 pun chat.comel kan tgk baby dok dlm sling tu.lgpun kita blh peluk dia ms kecik & ringan la.kalau dh berat, mahu patah bahu mama dia.
Mrs Nageb: takpa.setiap org ada taste msg2 kan.
Fathiyah: lama tak dgr cite.saya sihat.bertambah2 pun chat.comel kan tgk baby dok dlm sling tu.lgpun kita blh peluk dia ms kecik & ringan la.kalau dh berat, mahu patah bahu mama dia.
one of my wishlist too..macam nak beli ring sling..sbb senang sket boleh gilir2 pakai ngan hubby..=)
one of my wishlist too..macam nak beli ring sling..sbb senang sket boleh gilir2 pakai ngan hubby..=)
deena: ainul pun nk beli yg ring.kalo pouch kena 1 saiz org ckp nk belajar ikat sling tu susah skt.entahlah blm cuba blm tau.deena dh beli ke blm? kita entah bila nk beli.kt manjakuhappy tu macam murah jek..
apa kata awk wt sendiri je..kan save!
wt yg simple dh la asalkan kain tu kuat & leh tampung baby